Gaga Is Not All Show

From the beginning, it was extremely clear that Lady Gaga was a unique addition to the music world; what wasn’t clear was if there was any talent behind the crazy costumes and makeup. I was one of the many people who believed that her fame was only due to her over the top demeanor. The club beats of her music immediately made me associate her with being autotuned, so I was the first person to bash Gaga and…


Lady Gaga rises against “Don’t ask, don’t tell”

Boy I’ve gotta tell you, Lady Gaga never ceases to amaze me. What is she up to this time ? Quite a good cause if you ask me: she’s sending a message out to people, speaking against the US Senate policy commonly known as “Don’t ask, don’t tell”; basically, this doesn’t allow gay, lesbian, or even bisexual people to serve in the military. Which is just absurd, as Gaga points out: [caption id=”attachment_6623″ align=”alignleft” width=”500″…