New Music Monday: September 21

Pearl Jam’s highly anticipated ninth studio release, “Backspacer,” is finally officially out this week, and it’s just pure goodness, folks! Don’t believe me? Check out Al’s review for a glimpse. Islands’ new record “Vapours”, their 3rd, still follows the winning formula of the band’s previous albums, but this time first time listeners might find themselves mesmerized. Beware! Last week, I told you all about my new favorite band, Girls. Well, this week their debut album,…


Download: Girls – ‘Lust for Life’

It’s my great pleasure to introduce today one of my favorite bands to rise up out of the merciless shroud of mediocrity this summer, the incredible lo-fi duo Girls, the band. Lately, it seems like I’ve been starting to develop a soft spot for West Coast surf jams, but truth be it, what’s there not to love? And, boy, how well does Girls know how to pump out incredibly simple lo-fi anthems. It sure does…