Wednesday smilejerker: the epic sequel to the 101 rules of power metal

Hope you enjoyed last week’s article, and you find this to be just as epic (if you don’t know what I’m talking about, read and you’ll find out); this comes from too. So without further ado, here it is: 1. Denim and leather went out with Saxon. Silk and steel is the new thing. 2. If you do mix genres, power metal is still the dominant type. (e.g. blackened power metal) This is largely…


Wednesday smilejerker: 101 rules of power metal

Now before you venture on to read this there is a thing you should know; I listen to a lot of power metal and pretty much every kind of *cough*true*cough* good metal there is.Yes and I spend some time with; that’s where I found this list which is just delicious, provided you know what it is about. Hope you enjoy it and find it at least as half as funny as I did; oh…