Happy (Belated) Birthday Jimmy Page

Show:  Jimmy Page / The Firm Date: May 7th, 1985 Place: Worcester, Massachusetts Venue: Worcester Centrum  

Jimmy Page - Born Jan 9 1944 and still rocking!

5:00 P.M – Pick up Sister and her boyfriend for the show. 5:10 – Stopped at liquor store. 5:15 – Driving down the Mass Pike from Boston heading West. 5:25 – Some jerk thinks his car is faster. 5:30 – Shortly after I watched…


Guitar God Les Paul ascends to a better realm

Yesterday was a sad, sad day for music. Electric guitar virtuoso and inventor Les Paul died, at the epic age of 94. It was him who you can call the father of the solid body electric guitar, as well as multitrack recording. His blazing riffs were absolutely the bomb and he performed with some of the biggest stars ever, also produced a lot of hits, but it was the inventions that made him the revered…