Baroness: Blue Record
Looks like it’s that time of the year when various holiday albums and compilations start to pop-out, much to the contempt of last minute present shoppers, retailers and record labels. This week alone, we’ve got new Christmas albums from Bob Dylan, David Archuleta and Connie Talbot coming out.
One of the most interesting releases of the week is Baroness‘ highly anticipated sophomore release “Blue Record.” The band’s debut, “Red Album,” was a stunning progressive metal masterpiece, earning them tons of credentials in the scene, although mean Mastodon comparisons could not be avoided. “Embryonic“, the latest Flaming Lips release, has been one of the most talked about albums of the year and it has finally landed. Basically, you’ll either hate it with all your guts or you’ll simply adore it. There’s really little room left in the middle.
[MP3] Baroness – ‘Swollen And Halo’
[MP3] The Flaming Lips – ‘Powerless’
[MP3] Neon Indian – ‘Thermally Chill’
[MP3] Barzin – ‘Nobody Told Me’
[MP3] Lightning Bolt – ‘Transmissionary’
Baroness: Blue Record
Neon Indian: Psychic Charms
Barzin: Notes To An Absent Lover
Five For Fighting: Slice
Say Anything: Say Anything
Lightning Bolt: Earthly Delights
Bob Dylan: Christmas In The Heart
The Flaming Lips: Embryonic
Dead By Sunrise: Out of Ashes
Bowling For Soup: Sorry For Partyin’