Adam Yauch’s Will: Keep My Music Out of Ads

Before the Beastie Boy Adam Yauch passed away from cancer in May of this year, he made one thing very clear in his will: no commercial can feature any music written by him. Along with other artists like Levon Helm of The Band and Tom Waits, Yauch was very much against the usage of music for advertisement purposes. While Yauch’s wishes may appear to be valid, but an article by Wendy S. Goffe in Forbes…


Bob Dylan: ‘The Music Industry Is Hypocritical Rubbish’

Did I tell you how much I love and admire Bob Dylan? Today? In my humble opinion, you can use your fingers to count those who have just half as much experience as him in the music industry. In fact, who doesn’t like him? Even the Counting Crows say in their hit “Mr. Jones” “I wanna be Bob Dylan”. So, here’s how he just rightfully bashed the music industry. Speaking to The Times, Dylan said:…


Music industry scrambles and regroups to make its last stand

There is a LOTR analogy here somewhere but just cannot put my finger on it. The year which just ended a week ago shook the music industry from its very foundation making the napster thing back in the 90s seem fun and games right now; and in a way this shift of power is linked to the entire global economy but that interests us less here. For the music industry the thing is when you’re…