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R.I.P. LimeWire: P2P giant forced to shut down
As a result of relentlessness attacks by the dying music industry against P2P services, one of the biggest players in the sharing scene LimeWire has been forced to shut down its service for a minimum of 6 months as a result of a court order. The order was definitely settles this Tuesday when U.S. District Judge Kimba Wood in Manhattan entered a permanent injunction, ordering the service to disable the searching, downloading, uploading or file…
Gene Simmons on P2P: “sue every fresh-faced, freckle-faced college kid…”
Sue first and ask questions later seems to be Gene Simmons, the legendary Kiss bassist and frontman, device in handling his business. At the recent MIPCOM convention in Cannes, France, Simmons was invited as a keynote speaker to speak about “branding” and how he managed to transfer KISS into a million dollar business, expanding the brand everywhere from guitars, to comic books, to condoms. “Make sure your brand is protected,” Said Simmons. “Make sure there…
RIAA moves against bloggers sharing Radiohead’s ‘In Rainbows’
Despite the fact that at the end of 2007 Radiohead released with much hype one of the decade’s musical milestones In Rainbows, all for free on the band’s website, it seems like the ghost of the RIAA is still here to haunt us. The latest attack on file sharing is addressed to bloggers that posted in parts or integral the In Rainbows album, even though the record is probably most known for its innovative free…
RIAA: Suing you since 2003 (part 3)
This is a feel-good story. Trust me. A site called Recording Industry vs. The People found some numbers on the trials (and tribulations) of the RIAA’s lawsuits over the past few years. They’re quite entertaining – if you’re not with the RIAA, of course. In 2008, the RIAA has spend $16 million on attorney fees to recover $390,000. Even worse, the year prior they spend $21M on lawyer fees plus an additional $3.5M on “investigative…
RIAA: Suing you since 2003 (part 2)
Yet another example of why everyone outside of the RIAA hates the RIAA has come to light. It seems that our favorite Association has found a new way to make back the money its owed from illegal downloading. Instead of suing downloaders, the RIAA has decided to go after the downloading clients, specifically LimeWire. …And the RIAA won. U.S. District Judge Kimba Wood, for the Southern District of New York, on Tuesday granted summary judgment…
RIAA: Suing You Since 2003
So I was giving a cursory glance over the latest news on Rolling Stone’s website and I came across yet another example of why everyone hates the RIAA over these lawsuits. Now, I could use this space to simply shit all over the rather fascist policies of this organization but that’s been done and probably better than I could this morning. Anyhow, when I read the story, two things stood out and more than likely…