Tristan Prettyman
Singer/songwriter Tristan Prettyman had us dazzled by her beautiful acoustic guitar work from the very first notes that kindly graced our ears. Hear third album, Hello…x, is right around the corner, just a couple of week away and we couldn’t be more thrilled about its release, however till then we’ve got a treat prepared for Tristan fans and first-time listeners alike.
Much to our surprise we found that she isn’t just a talented musical artist, but a well versed fashion designer as well, having recently designed a custom Tristan Prettyman t-shirt herself, in conjuction with Elwood Clothing.
Tristan Prettyman t-shirt (Elwood Clothing) – click picture for detailed view
Chances have it that we’ve happened to get our hands on a T.P. t-shirt and decided to throw in a contest, in which a lucky reader may win it. The item is design specifically for laddies in mind, but if one if you chaps manage to win, it will definitely make a great present for that special someone.
To enter the contest and thus get eligible to win a t-shirt, you have to subscribe to our blog’s updates via e-mail address and then post a comment bellow (under the same e-mail address you’ve also subscribed). On the 15th of April, the day “Hello…x” gets out, we’ll randomly pick a winner and contact him privately. If you’re already a e-mail subscriber there’s no need to subscribe under a different e-mail, just be sure to comment bellow. You can subscribe just by entering your e-mail bellow.
Hope, Tristan Prettyman’s sophomore record Hello comes out on April 14 via Virgin Records. Bellow you can watch the official video for “Madly.”
Update: The contest is over. Congratulations to Audrey Kershia (Audrey didn’t answer back, so we have to do another draw) for winning the TP t-shirt!