This may actually be my favorite week of a month, that comes as a great closer to a dazzling cascade of new releases which kicked off the year. Those of you who’ve been reading my ramblings for the past weeks, and months even, will definitely know that my #1 of the week is Beach House’s soothing third record “Teen Dream.”
Also out this week, “Realism“, The Magnetic Fields’ latest indie pop extravaganza of the scene sees Stephin Merritt outdo himself once again, delivering a worthy follow-up to 2008’s Distortion. Another highly anticipated release of the year that happens to see the first ray of light in a record store this week is Los Campesinos! third full length, “Romance Is Boring.”
Last year I got aquinted to what has now become one of my favorite electronic music producer, namely Kieran Hebden, more known after his stage moniker Four Tet – a very impressive artists that incorporates an incredible array of influences into his music ranging from nu-jazz, to techno, to hip-hop beats, to live folk music. His new album is titled “There Is Love In You,” which I already strongly recommend.
Magnetic Fields: Realism
Evacuate Chicago: Veracity
Four Tet: There Is Love In You
Patrick & Eugene: Altogether Now (Birds Bees Flowers Trees)
Joe Firstman: El Porto
Gorevette: Lustfully Yours [EP]
Citay: Get Together
Basia Bulat: Heart of My Own
Never Shout Never: What Is Love?
Never Shout Never: What Is Love?
Los Campesinos!: Romance Is Boring
Four Tet: There Is Love In You