I instantly fell in love with Natasha Khan’s music, ever since I had a listen of her last year debut Fur And Gold. Her soft and weary voice, together with the psychedelic pop vibe her songs have, made me a instant fan, but I never though all that could fit in [tag]Bruce Springsteen[/tag] song. She repeatedly made a few cover versions of the Boss’s 1985 classic “I’m On A Fire” and I can surprisingly say it sounds pretty darn good. Like any good cover song Natasha makes it her own, recontextualizing what is considered a ’80s typical male anthem and creating a smooth, quiet and graceful ode. The original “I’m On Fire” tempo and ornamentation has been slowed down to a Victorian pace and Natasha even changes some words here and there. (“Hey little girl is your mama home” with “Hey little boy is your mama home”)