Deerhunter‘s forth full length studio album will be out next Tuesday, September 28th on 4AD. Until its release date, you’ll be able to stream the whole album in its entirety via NPR.org on the stream below. I’ve played it twice so far and I find it to be incredibly atmospheric and well textured. Moody, hazy and ultimately memorable, this might just be Deerhunter’s best album to date, and most definitely the band’s most accessible record to date.
Tibi is the co-founder and current editor in chief of ZME Music. He's had a passion for music since when he can remember, but since he lacks the necessary skills to make music, he decided to simply mix in another passion of his: writing.
Thanks to the marvels of the Internet, anyone can voice out and, in time, Tibi has helped a lot of artists and made a lot of friends by following his double passion for writing and music.
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